The Evolution of the Cricut Cake Crazies
This crazy Cricut Cake journey began about 2 years ago when my family and I moved to a new neighborhood and met some new friends. We were over at a friends house for a playdate and the moms were scrapbooking. They asked me if I scrapbooked. I immediately replyed "NOOOOOO!!!, I don't have time for that!!!" Even though I felt I had no artistic bones in my body, and had no idea how I would fit this into my busy schedule, I went to Joann's later that night to purchase some "starter" scrapbooking supplies. I loved how my friends were creating memories for their children and families. So, I jumped in......head first!!! The scrapbooking took off like a spiraling and crazy hobby, like the Tazmanian Devil!!! My Mom was soooo proud of my halfway decent scrapping skills. She says she always knew I had it in me (it being the creative side like her).
I cut letters out for a page one time and that was the first and last time!!! I first bought the Cricut Baby Bug. I knew I should of gone ahead and bought the bigger Cricut Expression. I am originally from Texas and like all Texans we think bigger is definately better!!! So, I had to get that one too. I kept the Baby Bug for my daughter someday. Then the Cricut Cake came out and I thought to myself I would never need THAT!!! I am not a baker.........I bet you know where this is going!!! I thought, "Well, why not become a baker???" I see lots of opportunities to make cupcakes, cookies and cakes in my future!!! So, of course the Cricut Cake was added to the Cricut family!!! Now the craziness unfolds.....trying to figure out baking, and more importantly FONDANT AND GUMPASTE!!! Ugh!!! Now the journey begins!!! I hope you enjoy my new blog. I am new to this too. I have fallen in love with everything Cricut and creating fun times and memories!!!
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